Montage by Splice Around The Sun: Sci-Fi Dreams WAV-FANTASTiC

Montage by Splice Around The Sun: Sci-Fi Dreams WAV-FANTASTiC

“I breathe what I play, and I play what I breathe”. That is a renowned composer and storyteller Harold O’Neal’s personal motto when it comes to his instrument, the piano. Harold has a unique philosophy when it comes to music, he goes about creating stories and characters that the listener can picture and hold onto. He pours his life, his emotions, and his story into his playing that results in an unmistakable familiarity and humanness heard in every note.

Splice approached Harold to record a novel session of musical stories designed to be turned both into full-length tracks and sample packs. Over the course of a few days in Salt Lake City Utah, Splice captured hours a captivating piano, a studio-quality collection of interwoven chords, delicate notes, and galloping melodies that transport you into a distant land in a galaxy far far away.

Inspired by monumental Sci-Fi scores like Blade Runner 2049, Interstellar, and Arrival, Around The Sun is a journey through mysterious soundscapes, mesmerizing synths, and spellbinding piano that captivates the listener into a new dimension. Combined with modern pop, punk, electronic influences, including Hans Zimmer style drums, dark drones, twirling modular synths, and stomach gurgling bass, Around The Sun is the ideal contemporary backdrop for any on-screen media that needs to feel big, dramatic, and memorable. Flip these sounds and song starters into your next score, your track, or your video game, and prepare for lift-off.

With being compared to Duke Ellington and Maurice Ravel by The New York Times, Harold O’Neal FRSA, (producer, composer, and storyteller) has marked his place amongst this generation’s greatest pianists and composers. He has worked and collaborated with artists in a variety of genres (U2, Bob Geldof, Damien Rice, Aloe Blacc, Ne-Yo, Busta Rhymes, Jay Z) and has been profiled by numerous publications and programs including Forbes, NPR’s All Things Considered, Fortune, Studio 360, and the 92Y: 7 Days Of Genius. O’Neal has been awarded fellowship to the Royal Society of the Arts, with the Patron being Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and recently played a role as a creative expert for Pixar’s Academy Award-winning film, Soul.

368 Samples


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