VOX Retro Pop and Synthwave Sounds WAV-FANTASTiC

VOX Retro Pop and Synthwave Sounds WAV-FANTASTiC

Retro Pop and; Synthwave Sounds welcome you to 1984 with nostalgic Juno synths, anthemic guitar leads, plucked, muted, strummed, and harmonised chord progressions; alongside both clean and wet vocal hooks, vocoded loops, stacked harmony phrases, gang vocals and more.

Each guitar sample was performed on a Fender Stratocaster through a selection of rare, hand-picked guitar pedals including the multidimensional reverb Strymon ‘BlueSky’, an original 1980 Boss CE-2 chorus, the Klon KTR and Analogman ‘King Of Tone’ overdrives. Vocals were recorded through a Neumann TLM103 and delicately processed with decade-defining vocal synths, verb suite classics, and delays. Discover authentic sounding synths and synth-bass offering an array of clean, stereo, and chorus processing with just the right amount of vinyl wobble.

For this pack we worked closely with multi-instrumentalist, producer, singer-songwriter Josh Renton, best known for his musical collaboration with vocal legend, Bonnie Tyler; his extensive catalogue of original songs and years of experience as a touring musician around the UK and Europe. Josh’s strong Pop songwriting skills, tasteful guitar and synth melodies, clean vocals, and an ear for 80s-inspired production is evident in this bursting collection of all original sounds. With musical and sonic influences ranging from Bryan Adams and Tom Petty to The Midnight and The 1975, this pack delivers a retro feel with modern songwriting taste.

Download Retro Pop and; Synthwave Sounds for the kind of samples that will make your proverbial hair blow gloriously in an epic breeze and level up your production.

231 Samples

复古流行音乐和合成波浪音效欢迎您来到 1984 年,这里有怀旧的 Juno 合成器、雄壮的吉他前奏、弹拨、静音、击弦和和声和弦进行,还有清唱和湿润的人声钩子、人声编码循环、堆叠和声乐句、帮派人声等。

每个吉他样本都在 Fender Stratocaster 上通过精选的稀有手工吉他踏板演奏,包括多维混响 Strymon “BlueSky”、1980 年原版 Boss CE-2 和声、Klon KTR 和 Analogman “音色之王 “过载驱动器。人声是通过 Neumann TLM103 录制的,并使用十年前的人声合成器、经典动词套件和延迟器进行了精心处理。您还可以发现音效逼真的合成器和合成器低音,它们提供一系列纯净、立体声和合唱处理,并带有恰到好处的黑胶晃动。

乔希-伦顿因其与传奇歌手邦妮-泰勒的音乐合作而闻名,他拥有丰富的原创歌曲集和多年在英国和欧洲巡演的经验。乔希拥有深厚的流行歌曲创作功底、有品位的吉他和合成器旋律、纯净的嗓音以及对 80 年代风格音乐制作的敏锐触觉,这些都在这首原创歌曲中得到了充分体现。从布莱恩-亚当斯(Bryan Adams)、汤姆-佩蒂(Tom Petty)到午夜乐队(The Midnight)和 1975 乐队(The 1975),这套音乐在音乐和音效上都受到了广泛的影响。

下载 Retro Pop and; Synthwave Sounds,这些样本会让你的头发在史诗般的微风中灿烂飘扬,并提升你的制作水平。

231 种采样


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