[Ableton Live 教程*英语]Production Music Live Beginners Course Making A Track from Start To Finish in Ableton Live TUTORiAL MERRY XMAS-FLARE

[Ableton Live 教程*英语]Production Music Live Beginners Course Making A Track from Start To Finish in Ableton Live TUTORiAL MERRY XMAS-FLARE

Start To Finish. Starting from nothing we are explaining everything before creating drums, sounds, fx, chords, arrangements, until we have a finished, mixed & mastered track.

Follow along the full production process. While going through all important stages of the production, everything will be explained in detail.

Pick up tricks and skills, save valuable time. Learn how to use Ableton and then use the techniques and apply them to your own productions.

Ableton Live. We are only using native Ableton, no 3rd party plugins.

What you are getting

✓ A complete beginner friendly start-to-finish course, learn how to produce your first track in Ableton Live.

✓ 25+ Studio sessions with Francois / PML

✓ 4h+ online video sessions with lifetime-access

✓ Bonus: Ableton Project File created in this course (using Ableton Live 9.7 Standard, no plugins needed) and all samples used are included as well.

What you you will learn from this course
After having taken this class, you’ll have seen a complete production process first hand, starting from nothing and working through all the different important stages of the production process, from start to finish. It’s like being together in the studio, we are commenting and explaining every step in detail so you can follow along. We are producing a simple Deep House track at 120 beats per minute.

This course is a super in-depth step by step version of our popular Youtube-Tutorial “Making A Track From Start To Finish in Ableton for Beginners”.

This course will take you through:

✓ Basics of working with Ableton Live
✓ How to work with Audio samples
✓ How to set up instruments with MIDI tracks
✓ How to use audio tracks
✓ Writing powerful chords and MIDI writing techniques
✓ Writing drum patterns
✓ Sound manipulation with Audio effects
✓ Creating your own effects and risers for transitions
✓ Filtering, EQing, Envelope shaping
✓ Creative arrangement (taking your 8 Bar loops and turning them into a full song)
✓ How to work with Session View vs. Arrangement View
✓ Mixing & Mastering: Cleaning up the project and adding loudness
✓ Bonus videos: how to use VST instruments to generate your sound


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