[超棒的混响延迟效果器]ValhallaDSP – Valhalla Super Massive v1.1.1 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC

[超棒的混响延迟效果器]ValhallaDSP – Valhalla Super Massive v1.1.1 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC

Make some space.
ValhallaSupermassive has been designed from the ground up for MASSIVE delays and reverbs. Blow your mind and your music to new levels of consciousness and experience. Get ready for luscious clouds of reverb, otherworldly delays, swelling waves of feedback unlike any you’ve heard before.

New in 1.1.1: Two new reverb modes, Great Magellanic Cloud and Triangulum!

• Tempo synced delays, up to 2 seconds
• Multiphase delay modulation
• DENSITY control, that allows you to dial in pointillistic echoes, lush reverbs, echo clusters, and all sorts of sounds in between.
• Eight unique delay/reverb MODES, named after celestial objects:
– • Gemini: Fast attack, shorter decay, high echo density.
– • Hydra: Fast-ish attack, shorter decay, low to high echo density (depending on the DENSITY control setting)
– • Centaurus: Medium attack, longer decay, medium to high echo density (depending on the DENSITY control setting)
– • Sagittarius: Slow attack, longer decay, high echo density
– • Great Annihilator: Medium attack, very long decay, medium to high echo density (depending on the DENSITY control setting)
– • Andromeda: Slowest attack, very long decay, very high echo density
– • Lyra: Fast attack, shorter decay, low echo density
– • Capricorn: Fast attack, shorter decay, medium echo density
• Cross-platform preset browser


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