Splice Jerry Stringer + Eric Fawcett + Andrew Coleman Present Grooves from Outta Space Vol 1 WAV-FLARE

Splice Jerry Stringer + Eric Fawcett + Andrew Coleman Present Grooves from Outta Space Vol 1 WAV-FLARE

When Brent Paschke and Eric Fawcett set out to create a gritty, rootsy space-funk sample pack for Splice, they knew the collection wouldn’t be complete without the engineering genius of Andrew Coleman. Paschke (AKA Jerry Stringer), Fawcett, and Coleman are best known for their longtime work with the legendary production duo The Neptunes (Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo). The three first met in 2001 when Pharrell and Chad asked Spymob (Brent and Eric’s band) to play all the live instruments on N.E.R.D.’s acclaimed debut, In Search Of…. Coleman, the two-time grammy award-winning engineer behind every hit in The Neptunes epic discography dating from the mid-nineties to the current top 10 albums Sweetener by Ariana Grande and Man of the Woods by Justin Timberlake, recorded those sessions. Since then, Paschke and Fawcett have continued to work with The Neptunes, and they remain the primary contributors of live guitar and live drums on all N.E.R.D. albums to date, with Coleman at the board for every session. Through years of collaboration, Brent, Eric, and Andrew developed a distinct sound, a signature vibe melding earthy roots funk with intergalactic textures heard and loved by millions of fans around the world. Grooves From Outta Space: Volume 1 is the trio’s debut in the sample-library world, and it’s the first time their singular sound has been shared outside of their respected camps in the music industry. And at last YOU can access this sound to complement your own amazing creations.


· 11 Song Construction Kits


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