Ableton Live Suite 10.1.25 Multilingual

Ableton Live Suite 10.1.25 Multilingual

Ableton Live 是一款音乐制作软件, 允许用户以自然的方式作曲, 录音, remix(重混音), 即席创作和编辑自己的音乐构思. 可将声响, 电子和虚拟乐器及数字录音置于单一的界面中, 极其易用. 它使用户可以把全部精力集中到真正该关注的东西: 你自己的音乐上。
Ableton Live Suite 10.x Multilingual| 1.64 GB
Live is fast, fluid and flexible software for music creation and performance. It comes with effects, instruments, sounds and all kinds of creative features—everything you need to make any kind of music. Create in a traditional linear arrangement, or improvise without the constraints of a timeline in Live’s Session View. Move freely between musical elements and play with ideas, without stopping the music and without breaking your flow.

What’s New in Ableton Live Suite 10:

Create with new devices
Meet Wavetable, Echo, Drum Buss and Pedal: new devices that mean colorful new sounds are possible with Live’s instruments and effects.

Stay in the flow
You’ll find improvements to Live that help you stay in the flow at every stage of your creative process, whether you’re getting ideas down, organizing your setup or editing the details of your music.

Do even more from Push
Live 10 brings new functionality and new high-res visualizations to Push. Now you’ll spend even less time with the computer—whether you’re composing ideas, editing MIDI or shaping and mixing sounds.

New library of sound
With new collections of Packs, Live 10 has more sounds that are ready for finished music, right out of the box. They’re set up for tweaking to your needs or taking in different directions. Plus the library has been reorganized to make it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Max for Live – no limits, built in
Max technology is now fully integrated into Live 10 Suite. No additional download or set up is required to create with and customize Max For Live devices. They just work. Plus new devices and capabilities bring more possibilities for musicians and device developers.


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