[大鱼音频]Big Fish Audio Ambient Minimalism KONTAKT

[大鱼音频]Big Fish Audio Ambient Minimalism KONTAKT

Big Fish Audio and Funk/Soul Productions are proud to bring you Ambient Minimalism! Ambient Minimalism is a unique phrase and texture-based virtual instrument that can be used to quickly and easily create beautiful and evocative ambient soundscapes, backing tracks, and cinematic cues.

Each instrument patch in Ambient Minimalism contains dozens of sounds, such as playful guitar effects, hauntingly beautiful vocals, custom created pads, and so much more to give you a wide variety of musical elements and motifs to work from. All instrument patches were recorded in the same key, so you can mix and match any of the sounds across any of the patches and easily achieve highly musical results.

Additionally, a set of 12 key-switches (colored red) can be used to change the key of any musical element (loop, pad, etc) on the fly, allowing you to play in any key and create chord progressions or modulations with the touch of a finger.

Whether you’re a professional composer, producer on a tight deadline, or a beginner with little to no musical training, you’ll find that Ambient Minimalism is a fast and easy way to find inspiration and create great-sounding ambient tracks for your productions.

Ambient Minimalism has been designed for seamless integration with the Komplete Kontrol and Maschine, offering you a unique hands-on experience. Easily manipulate the interface using the controls of all NKS compatible hardware.

– 36 unique and complementary patches
– Over 1,700 loops, phrases and one-shots that fit together seamlessly
– Quickly change the key on the fly to work in any production and create custom chord progressions


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