[嘻哈陷阱采样]Laniakea Sounds Trap Soul And Lofi Hip Hop 2 WAV-FLARE

[嘻哈陷阱采样]Laniakea Sounds Trap Soul And Lofi Hip Hop 2 WAV-FLARE

Laniakea Sounds are proud to present “Trap Soul & Lo-Fi Hip-Hop 2” – a beautiful mixture of trendy, intelligent and groovy sounds in one package. This magnificent set of samples is provided 100% royalty free and brings you only the hi-end samples masterly made from scratch.

The library contains 1 GB of the finest elements, with wide variety of drum & musical loops and one shots. This collection will delight you with juicy drums, massive 808’s basslines, re-sampled organic sounds, lo-fi synths, dark bells, ethereal atmospheres, sonorous vocals, voice shots & screams and some of cool SFX hits. This library is perfect for producers, who makes Trap, Hip Hop, RnB, New School, Future Soul & any other related genres.

Without a doubt, “Trap Soul & Lo-Fi Hip-Hop 2”, will bring you quality inspirational material. Download this sample pack today and create your own magic!


· 39 Bass Loops
· 31 Drum Loops
· 109 Music Loops
· 31 Top Drum Loops
· 1 Vocal Loop
· 10 Drum Fills
· 61 Drum Hits (3 Crashes, 13 Hats, 21 Kicks, 3 Rides, 21 Snares)
· 7 Bass Hits
· 13 Chord Hits
· 33 FX
· 30 Vocal One Shots


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