Indefinable Audio Tension Builder For SPECTRASONiCS OMNiSPHERE 2-DISCOVER

Indefinable Audio Tension Builder For SPECTRASONiCS OMNiSPHERE 2-DISCOVER

Tension Builder is a patch library for Omnisphere 2 that will help you build some serious tension in your music. The library contains 252 patches, 25 multis, and 167 original soundsources.

If you’re looking for shimmering pads, plucky leads, or bouncing bass, then look elsewhere. If, however, you’re looking for dark, anxious, and intense cinematic sounds with a nice healthy dose of horror and sci-fi, then you’re gonna like this one. Tension Builder will make a nice addition to any game, film or television composer’s arsenal of sound.

With every patch in Tension Builder, you have complete control over the amount of tension via the mod wheel. Dial in a little, or dial in a lot. Sometimes that tension is quite subtle, and sometimes it can be quite extreme. Tension Builder comes with 152 soundscape patches and 100 BPM patches.

Each soundscape patch can be transformed into a rhythmic patch via the user CC control. You can dial in a little or a lot. With each BMP patch, the User CC control dials in additional FX and sound layering. Pitch wheel is often has special functions as well.

Each of the 167 original soundsources were specially crafted for the Tension Builder library, and they make great building blocks to create your own tense sound patches.

……:::::: Library Contents ::::::……
• 252 Patches
• 167 Original Soundsources
• 025 Multis

……:::::: Library Requirements ::::::……
• Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2.6
• 1.22 GB Hard Drive Space


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