[Techno采样包]Riemann Kollektion Best of Riemann 2017 Techno WAV

[Techno采样包]Riemann Kollektion Best of Riemann 2017 Techno WAV

This is a super-strong collection of the best Loops & synth takes from the Berlin based Techno Sounddesign Label Riemann Kollektion.

The majority of the sounds are created with analog gear and modular systems %u2013 Riemann Kollektion provides you with more than 15 years experience in Techno production.

All sounds are made for maximum impact on large horn soundsystems like Funktion One or VOID.

30 303 Acid Loops
15 Background Loops
30 Basslines
44 Beat Loops
15 Chord Loops
20 Clap Snare Loops
15 Drone Loops
25 Hihat Loops
40 Kickdrum Loops
15 Percussion Loops
10 Ride Loops
30 Synth Sequences
20 Top Loops


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