[Cymatics黄金套装]Cymatics Gold WAV – HiDERA

[Cymatics黄金套装]Cymatics Gold WAV – HiDERA

GOLD: Modern Hip Hop Collection
The Modern Hip Hop Collection is inspired by ALL the different styles and sounds that today’s Hip Hop scene has to offer.
Our team got influence from top rappers and artists like Drake, Travis Scott, Migos, Kendrick Lamar, Lil Uzi Vert, and MANY more for this production suite.
The result is a diverse collection of 1000+ samples & loops that cover everything from soft, melodic styles to dark trap and beyond.
It’s truly an all-encompassing representation of modern Hip Hop music.

GOLD: Vintage Hip Hop Collection
The Vintage Hip Hop Collection draws inspiration from legendary artists that helped propel the Hip Hop industry to new heights.
Our team studied timeless classics by Biggie Smalls, Tupac, Mobb Deep, NWA, and more to capture the essence of the 90’s Rap world.
In this collection, you’ll find 600+ samples & loops that represent classic East Coast and West Coast sounds, pioneered by Hip Hop’s most respected artists.
Add a familiar flare to your songs with this high-quality vintage library.

GOLD: R&B Collection
The R&B genre has birthed countless exceptional talents over the last few decades that have inspired many members of our production team.
So for this collection, our team looked at classic R&B legends like Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey, R.Kelly, as well as modern day moguls like Jhene Aiko and The Weeknd.
Drawing influence from these artists, our team created 500+ samples & loops that cover all styles of R&B – both modern and vintage.


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