[它会让你的节奏更稳]Heavyocity – Mosaic Keys (KONTAKT)

[它会让你的节奏更稳]Heavyocity – Mosaic Keys (KONTAKT)

Cinematic Electric Keys Virtual Instrument
Heavyocity presents the Mosaic Series, a line of virtual instruments to keep composers creative: with each instrument featuring a unique set of foundational elements, designed to be combined and layered into lush, cinematic textures. With the powerful, Mosaic engine, and an intuitive interface, the instruments will empower you to quickly and easily do what you do best: create amazing music.

Mosaic Keys explores the sonic warmth of electric keys, delivering moving synthetic keyboards, organic found sounds, and effectual sound design elements. Featuring over 130 snapshots designed by the Heavyocity team, Mosaic Keys re-envisions electric keys: Empowering composers to quickly and easily layer lyrical melodies over rich, cinematic soundscapes and pulsing rhythmic beds. With over 5 GB of production-ready content, Mosaic Keys will invigorate your toolkit of keys, pushing the traditional forward into a complex scoring tool.

What´s included:

•Inspirational Bass Grooves build your score’s foundation

•Atmospheric Pads from Heavyocity’s team of sound designers

•Tight and Chunky Rhythmic Pedals for creating quick underscore

Mosaic Engine

Mosaic Keys does offer a truly dynamic set of electric keys content, but the real power of the instrument comes in the thrilling combinations created by layering these sources across the Mosaic Engine’s three channels. Rhythmic, lyrical, sparse, emotional, eclectic. The possibilities are truly endless — especially considering Mosaic Keys contains 130 carefully-crafted Snapshots to get you started.

Tech Specs

•5.6 GB uncompressed (3.8 GB on Disk with NI lossless compression)
•180 Snapshot Presets (90 Mellow, 90 Gritty)
•1 NKI
•60 Playable Snapshots
•60 Rhythmic Snapshots
•60 ARP Snapshots

268 Sound Sources
•32 Synth Sources
•100 Ambient Noise Sources
•119 Attack Sounds
•17 Hybrid Tonal Drones

•Intuitive Sample Browser
•ARP for building complex, rhythmic arpeggios
•MACRO knob for dynamic multi-parameter control



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