【鼓组你弄懂了吗?】Kerfyge Audio Trap Drums v2.0.0

【鼓组你弄懂了吗?】Kerfyge Audio Trap Drums v2.0.0

Thenatan X Kerfyge Audio Proudly Presents ” Trap Drums VST “
one of the most comprehensive Trap Drum machine VST’s ever Made.

Trap Drums VST is a completely brand new Trap drum machine VST/AU plugin for MAC or PC.

All 20 kits are already pre-mixed and eq’ed to improve your beatmaking workflow. No more spending hours looking for the perfect Kick, Snare and Hi-Hat combination, with Trap Drums VST we’ve done all the hard work for you!

Take your beats to the next level.

20 Brand new pre-mixed quality drum kits that cover the entire spectrum of Trap.
240+ dope drum samples , already EQ’ed and treated for instant use .
Includes a built in analogue style reverb .
Attack & Release for kdrum dynamics
Mixer .
Hiss / Noise / Crackle / Vinyl And Cassette Effects For A Realistic Sound Design .
Ultra low CPU usage [perfect if you own a laptop / low spec PC/MAC]
Ultra fast patch loading .
Monthly Expansions With Brand New Gui’s That Matches The Feel Of The Kits .
Compatible With All Major DAW’s Such As Ableton , Fl , Cubase , Reaper And ETC.


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