48Khz Raul Mezcolanza and Envel Sounds WAV

48Khz Raul Mezcolanza and Envel Sounds WAV

FANTASTiC | January 26 2018 | 410 MB

48Khz presents: Raul Mezcolanza and Envel Sounds. A package that has everything you could need to build your next great track.

Raul and Envel join forces several times and now for create this package of sounds, filled with the most original sections of techno.

These 2 artists from Barcelona have achieved significant successes and a growing recognition in the electronic scene.

His productions have been appreciated by numerous well known collegues as Mladen Tomic, Sinisa Tamamovic, Umek, Richie Hawtin,Skober, D-Deck and many more..

Featuring 469,1 MB of dark, & downreaching underground techno, featuring rumbling sub basslines, dark thick synths, heavy grooves, analog techno-classic Kicks dark, fresh tech Addons, Detroit / Berlin infused Perc loops, and much more can find in this package, which is designed to reach as high as your productions.

All samples and loops have been flawlessly crafted from scratch, and will simply drag and drop right into your DAW.

Download contains:

  • 229 x 24-Bit Wav Loops
    • 13 Bass Loops (In key)
    • 15 Music (In Key)
    • 49 Beat Loops
    • 16 Perc Loops
    • 15 Rims
    • 28 Addons loops
    • 18 Hi Hats
    • 10 Open Hats
    • 12 Rides
    • 15 Kicks
    • 15 Claps
    • 15 Snares
    • 8 Fx


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