F9 Audio F9 iFunk Nu Disco Guitars Ft Robin Boult MULTiFORMAT

F9 Audio F9 iFunk Nu Disco Guitars Ft Robin Boult MULTiFORMAT

FANTASTiC | 26 March 2018 | 7.24 GB

F9 is exceptionally proud to present iFunk Nu Disco Guitars Ft Robin Boult – Designed from the ground up to be quite simply the most useful contemporary funk and disco guitar library available today.

Exceptional playing from F9 Collaborator Robin Boult was captured through a gold standard $10K recording chain has been post processed perfectly to create a powerful sonic attitude dripping in vintage vibe that to our knowledge is unique amongst sample libraries. Even the first few bars of the audio demos will show you just how well these parts can through a mix. Nothing is over-processed so there is still room to add your own sonic signature.

F9 Exclusive – all Deluxe users will receive a bonus file containing all the additional music used in the main iFunk audio demo.

WAV + REX version:

  • 752 Funk and Disco guitar WAV loops
    •114 – 120 BPM
    •Emin, Fmin, Amin & Cmin
    •752 Rex files
    •Classic Strat and 335 Tones
    •24 bit Audio Perfectly recorded + processed
    •PDF Manual

Deluxe Version ( + Kontakt )

  • All Wav + Rex content
    •30 Kontakt 5.52+ tempo-synced Kontakt instruments
    •Custom Kontakt GUI

*Please note the Kontakt Portion requires a full version of kontakt 5.52 onwards – this will not work properly with Kontakt player

Logic 9 + X Deluxe Version ( + Kontakt )

  • All Wav + Rex content
    •All Kontakt content
    •25 EXS24 instruments
    •11 Channels strip guitar settings
    •11 instrument channel strip settings
    •17 Custom Impulse responses

Ableton 9.5 + Deluxe Version ( + Kontakt )

  • All Wav + Rex content
    •All Kontakt content
    •Pre analysed WAV files for drag and drop into Ableton
    •Session view page of all loops
    •26 Tempo synchronised menu racks
    •Suite + Standard Compatible
    •3 full featured FX racks

Studio One 3.2.3+ + Deluxe Version ( + Kontakt )

  • All Wav + Rex content
    •All Kontakt content
    •752 Audioloop files ( with tempo information)
    •25 Presence XT Sampler Menus
    •Audio compatible with Prime, Artist + Professional version
    •9 FX chains ( Artist + Pro Versions only)

We will be using this pack for years to come – We hope you will do the same .


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  • 小洁洁 2019年10月6日 上午1:30


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