accusonus ERA-Bundle Pro 4.0.0

accusonus ERA-Bundle Pro 4.0.0

As a professional in post and music production, you deal with impossible deadlines. Opening another application and dialing in obscure algorithm parameters is just not an option. Meet the ERA Bundle Pro: Multi-patented next-generation audio repair that offers both fast and high-quality processing. Your workflow deserves an upgrade.

ERA-D focuses on two things and does them exceptionally well. When you need deep and sophisticated denoise and dereverberation, ERA-D is the tool for you.

• Multi-patented algorithms for Denoise and Dereverberation
• Intelligent joint mode takes the natural noise and reverb counter-interaction into account for higher quality sonic results.
• Dual Channel mode that enables you to use a secondary mic to improve the audio repair quality on your primary mic.

A simple and elegant solution for instant denoising. The ERA Noise Remover automatically estimates the noise profile and allows you to adjust background noise. From fan and HVAC noise to electric interference (such as hum and hiss), you only need a single knob. The ERA algorithm is multi-patented and therefore unique compared to anything you’ve heard before

Although artificial reverb adds depth and richness to the sound, poor room acoustics can make your recordings sound distant and hollow. The ERA Reverb Remover automatically estimates the reverberation profile and allows you to adjust the amount of recorded reverb in a streamlined interface. Whether you want to repair location recordings or tighten music performances, the ERA Reverb Remover is your new secret weapon

Harsh sibilance may affect your voice/vocal tracks even when you use the best recording equipment. Use the ERA De-Esser to instantly smooth out the harsh ess-es from your recordings. The ERA De-Esser performs transparent processing in the frequency domain and is also great for other material such as hissing cymbals or even full mixes

Loud plosives are a complex type of distortion and removing them manually can be an extremely time-consuming task. The ERA Plosive Remover automatically takes care of the problem, allowing you to polish your vocals with the turn of a single dial.

Gain inconsistencies are common in both audio and video recordings. They often happen as a result of intentional or unintentional speaker movement, non-ideal microphone positioning or heavy audio & video editing. Use this single-knob plugin to save yourself from hours of manual gain adjustments

Clipping results from over-saturation and usually sounds like a harsh distortion. When you look at the loud parts of your input waveform, you can see clippings as blocks of audio that are chopped off. Repair your clipped audio in seconds with ERA De-Clipper.


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