StrezovSampling ThunderX3M 【KONTAK震撼打击】

StrezovSampling ThunderX3M 【KONTAK震撼打击】

Strezov Sampling – Tupans X3M KONTAKT | 2.48 Gb
Inspired by the sound of recent action blockbusters. Deeply sampled Tupans in different ensemble sizes (a8, a3, Solo). Featuring consistent extensive articulations across all instruments, three sets of handcrafted Sound Design Percussion and the renowned X3M Percussion Engine.
One of the most requested instruments is finally released. Inspired by the aggressive sound of recent Action Blockbusters, Strezov Sampling decided to produce the definitive sample set of Tupans. A sound which hasn’t been commercially available up until now. The Tupan is a traditional Bulgarian drum played with a beater and a stick at the same time. Tupans X3M, recorded in the Sofia Session Studio with different ensemble sizes (a8, a3, Solo), delivers you the articulations to perform traditional Tupan rhythms with instant cinematic sound but also, in addition to that, contains advanced playing styles with brushes, damped beaters, mallets and more.
But Tupans X3M is not just all about organic and realistic sounding Tupans. In fact it’s way more than that, since it also includes a handcrafted selection of three different Sound Design Percussion sets ranging from Epic Ensembles, Thunderous Impacts and neutral sounding percussive sound effects suitable for any style of music. These sounds were created from the sample material of Tupans X3M and our flagship percussion suite Thunder X3M, resulting in a broad sound spectrum suitable for any project in need of new fresh sound colors.
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