【嘻哈打击】uJAM beatMaker HUSTLE v1.0.0 CE-V.R

【嘻哈打击】uJAM beatMaker HUSTLE v1.0.0 CE-V.R

TEAM V.R | 25 July 2018 | 44.97 MB

Special Control: Bass Tune
Bass Tune – play fills, kicks & grooves with tonality. Trap wouldn’t be so braaaaah without that singing bass…

Gettin’ Real
Make your production instantly sound like you’re rolling through Atlanta in a Lambo flexing your gold grill. Bass music genres are all about the beat – booming bass drums, frantic Hi-hats and gritty snares. HUSTLE captures the spirit of the genre – sounds, patterns and mix. Get busy with a virtually unlimited combination of credible beats inspired by the legendary Roland TR-808. The mix presets provide a great variety of sound characters that can be dialled into your liking and make HUSTLE fit in your mix, sounding authentic and fat, no matter what.

•A virtual beat maker for massive pumping Trap,
•Grime and Bass Music tracks
•Powerful mixing console with 6 smart-mix presets
•Custom FX algorithms: Sweep, and Ambience
•Full control over tempo, pitch and variations
•20 styles, 480 patterns
•(intro, verse, chorus, fill, ending)
•5 booming drum kits


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