Touch Loops Analogue Odyssey WAV MIDI

Touch Loops Analogue Odyssey WAV MIDI

Analogue Odyssey is a treasure chest of synth explorations, instrument experimentations and a true love for all things analogue. From rich Juno arps to stunning Rhodes performances, rolling stab patterns to drum machine heavy beats our producer of choice William Haxworth has dug deep to truly showcase his amazing collection of musical inspiration and created our favourite collection of electronica loops and samples.

With a foot heavily planted in the cinema world but with a love for rich synth work, Will has provided an incredible sample pack that’s worthy of taking pride and place in any producers sample arsenal. From the very first listen you’ll be overwhelmed by the intense level of detail and production value.

All of the epic electronica loops have been painstakingly mixed and mastered to showcase every last drop of intent ensuring the final collection is an absolute beauty. From dazzling synth arpeggios to the rich bottom end bass work, the analogue driven lead synths to the super swung beats and grooves, the sound design heavy pad loops to the emotive melodies we just know you’re going to be falling in love with this instant classic.




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