【效果器压缩】Sound Radix POWAIR v1.1

【效果器压缩】Sound Radix POWAIR v1.1

POWAIR was designed to be a smarter, more natural sounding compressor. It’s a dual-stage loudness leveler / compressor / limiter powered by a novel, proprietary compression engine which provides greater transparency and control than ever before.

The first stage is a K-weighted loudness leveler, perfect for leveling a voice-over or auto-adjusting the level of different pieces of music. In its second compression stage, POWAIR uses an innovative gain detection and reduction engine, capable of fast gain changes with minimal distortion and adaptive response to the source.

The unique Punch feature enables full control over the transients’ levels during the attack stage, making it possible to shape the transients’ lengths while keeping peak levels under control. And in an industry first, POWAIR features Adaptive Compression to maintain an average compression action, adding intensity and glue while keeping the natural dynamics of the recording.

Novel, ultra-fast gain detection and reduction compression design
K-weighted loudness auto-leveler
Punch enables precise level control of transients during the attack period independent of attack time
Adaptive Compression enables maintaining average compression for natural performance dynamics
Machine learning-based perceived loudness auto makeup gain compensation
Band-pass and band-reject side-chain filter
External side-chain key input
Mono, stereo and mid/side operation modes with continuously-variable compression link control
ITU-R BS.1770.4-compliant LKFS and true-peak output level meters



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