[精选采样]Origin Sound Mantra Hip Hop Ambience WAV MiDi

[精选采样]Origin Sound Mantra Hip Hop Ambience WAV MiDi

Origin Sound is proud to present Mantra, a colourful library of samples crafted by the wonderfully talented Mitch Geist.
Inside Mantra you will find a beautiful array samples, ranging from melancholic chord progressions, warm bass’, delicate melodies, and much more.
The bedrock of Mantra comes from the notable detailed one shot drum samples, which range from roomy kicks, characterful snares, crackling tops and unique percussion elements.
In addition to these there are 15 creative drum loops which can be directly dragged and dropped into your project for quick inspiration, not to mention the stems to these drum loops are also included to allow interchangeability between the particular grooves offered.
Mantra also provides a selection of warm bass hits, and blissful chord / melody hits and loops, ranging from airy warped pads, to wistful sax lines, and much more.
All of which come with respective MIDI files for the ultimate flexibility to add your own sonic mark on your track.
Last but not least, Mantra contains a versatile bank of varied SFX, from moody vinyl crackles, creative risers, and plenty more to help provide your productions with a whole new level of detail.
Mantra is a library that provides a wealth of various timbres and emotional sonics throughout, allowing you to put together your own comprehensive productions with ease.
Whats in the pack?
• 60 Snappy drum hits
• 15 Crackling drum loops (with stem bounce)
• 10 Bonus percussion loops
• 10 Warm bass loops (+MIDI)
• 10 Melancholic chord loops (+MIDI)
• 10 Delicate melody loops (+MIDI)
• 20 Adaptable musical one shots
• 15 Varied SFX
*Other genres that this package may be useful in:
• Chillout
• Dance
• World


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