Loopmasters Funky Tech & Deep Soul WAV

Loopmasters Funky Tech & Deep Soul WAV

NU DiSCO |  Loopmasters | Wav | 2 GB

Richard Salter’s career has spanned over 25 years, both here in the UK and in New York City. He’s worked alongside Rozalla, Faith Evans, Barbara Tucker, Geoffrey Williams, George Morel and many more, with releases spanning labels not limited to the likes of EMI, Prelude, Twisted US, MN2S, BMG and Island. Richard’s extensive background in the industry makes him the ideal candidate to enhance your sound palette and let you in on a few tricks of the audio trade!

With well over 1.5 GB of content, this funky collection is packed with House drum loops, Disco string loops, tech percussion samples, House chord & synth hits, Rhodes, strings and much more, all primed and ready to become a centrepiece for your next hit dancefloor beat! With musical content coming in a fantastic range of keys and playing styles, this one’s an all-encompassing collection of sounds that will certainly give your creations an injection of authenticity and brilliance.

With loops rocking out from 118-124bpm, this collection is suited perfectly to House, Nu-Disco, Tech House and other musicality-oriented dancefloor genres.

Funky Tech & Deep Soul features

24-bit/44.1kHz Wav audio.



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