Loopmasters Organic Future Hip Hop 2 MULTiFORMAT

Loopmasters Organic Future Hip Hop 2 MULTiFORMAT

Loopmasters Organic Future Hip Hop 2 MULTiFORMAT | 739 Mb

Loopmasters present Organic Future Hip Hop Volume2 – a richly textured collection of Hip Hop samples and progressions for your next production! Chemo is back once again with another feast of original royalty-free content, with a balanced combination of live instruments and leftfield electronic processing.

Organic Future Hiphop Volume2 takes the contemporary sound of Trap & Hip Hop, scaling back the more aggressive, synthetic elements in favour of natural-sounding melodies and warmth. Fusing traditional sounds with deep textures, Organic Future Hip Hop Volume 2 delves deep with lush layers of sound, brimming with life and depth.

Inside you’ll find 12 song construction kits, each with lush Melodies, Bass and Drum parts which work together for an organic, ethereal groove. Each kit has a combination of Bass, Kicks, Snares, Hats, Full Drums, Musical elements, Percussion, Vocals and FX – each exhibiting rich analogue vibes enriched with dusty textures and tones. The Drum Loops are included as full mixes and layers to construct your own way – with melodic elements including Rhodes, Pianos, Synths, Plucked Strings and Pads, complete with warm effects and lo-fi processing.

• 24Bit 44.1KHZ
• 12 Construction Kit Tracks
• 28 Music Loops
• 16 Drum Part Loops
• 12 Full Drum Loops
• 11 Bass Loops
• 10 Perc Loops
• 6 Atmos Loops
• 4 Vocal Loops
• 4 Drum Fx Loops
• 3 Fx Loops
• 86 Drum & Perc Hits
• 55 Synth Hits
• 33 Bass hits
• 12 Vocals
• 12 Fx
• 11 Keys Hits
• 9 Bell Hits
• 7 Guitar Hits
• 6 Atmos
• 5 Drum Rolls
• 5 Xylophone Hits
• 4 Scrapes
• 1 Foley Hit
• 1 Marimba Hit
• 118 Rex2 Files
• 70 Soft Sampler Patches
• 12 Kong


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