[节奏神器]Sylus RMX

[节奏神器]Sylus RMX

Sylus RMX is a completely new groove-based virtual instrument plug-in for Macintosh and Windows. Stylus RMX is the first product to offer the combined power of Groove Control with Spectrasonics Advanced Groove Engine (S.A.G.E.) technology giving users dramatic new control over groove production and performance.


Spectrasonics ’ in-house development team created the new instrument from the ground up, with dozens of new features including the ground-breaking Chaos Designer, a completely redesigned multi-page user interface, a new core library of sounds, all with a focus on realtime groove creation and performance.

Stylus RMX mainly features Time Designer, which enables intelligent synchronization of RMX audio loop with different speed rhythms, and allows users to create impromptu pattern variations by themselves. Everything will follow the rules of the instrument. Most importantly, Stylus RMX   will be the first Spectrasonics’ 64-bit support plug-in.

Main features of Time Designer:

• the world’s first software that automatically arranges audio loops to varying beats in real time

• allow users to create their own improvised pattern variations and everything will follow the rules of the instrument

•Groove Lock allows one RMX rhythm to feel another RMX rhythm

•Groove Lock also works on MIDI sequences

• rhythm changes can be in milliseconds or in beats

• the user’s REX and RMX extensions are available


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