[蓝猫]Blue Cat Audio Blue Cats PatchWork v1.74 WiN / OSX

[蓝猫]Blue Cat Audio Blue Cats PatchWork v1.74 WiN / OSX

Blue Cat Audio Blue Cats PatchWork v1.74 WiN / OSX | 30 Mb / 142 Mb
Blue Cat’s PatchWork is a universal plug-ins patchbay that can host up to 64 VST or Audio Unit plug-ins into any Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) in one instance. It is possible to chain effects in series or create up to 8 parallel chains that can be activated independently. This lets you create your favorite effects or instruments configurations within the plug-in, without the need for multiple busses. These configurations can be saved as presets and recalled instantly, or shared with multiple DAWs, using any plug-in format.

Despite the name, you can forget about wires or cables: configuring plug-ins routing is as simple as adding or removing a row or a column in the rack’s matrix. All plug-ins can also communicate with each other or with the host application using the virtual MIDI ports offered by the plug-in. For each plug-in slot, latency compensation, presets management, undo/redo integration, audio i/o selection and individual plug-in bypass are included for optimal operation. The plug-in also stores the position of the window for each plug-in so that the layout is restored with your session or saved with presets.

Also, sub plug-ins can be automated or controlled with external control surfaces using Blue Cat’s PatchWork parameters mapping capabilities. This product is available as an audio plug-in (effect or a virtual instrument) and standalone application, so that it can used alone or inserted on any type of track in your favorite DAW, with up to 16 audio channels. Input and output level meters are also available to monitor the signal that is dispatched to inserted plug-ins, including side chain and aux channels.


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