Loopmasters Dark Atmospherics MULTiFORMAT

Loopmasters Dark Atmospherics MULTiFORMAT

Loopmasters Dark Atmospherics MULTiFORMAT | 1.82 Gb

Dark Atmospherics is a brand new royalty free collection of exciting soundscapes, textures and sound design material, created by producer/engineer Colin C. the creator of our bestselling Mix Essential Channel Strips for Logic series.

This incredible collection features over 2Gb of high quality musical pads, deep atmospheric drones, moving FX and crunchy rhythmic loops presented in pristine 24 bit 48kHz audio discretely processed with high end Apogee converters and boutique vintage tube compression. The collection also features 84 key labelled single shot synth sounds created by Colin C from his Prophet12, Virus Ti, and Moog synthesizers.

Dark Atmospherics comes bundled with 196 rhythmic loops of various glitched, processed, crushed and manipulated drums useful for producers in the IDM, Breaks, Dubstep, Drum & Bass, Hip Hop genres who are looking for unique and loop-able percussion layers to add new dimension to their work. Colin C also included 40 one shot samples including Kicks, Snares, SFX and Percussion to give you everything you need to build a track right from this pack alone.

This is the perfect sound design “tool box” for any Electronic Music Producer looking to rejuvenate their sample library with unique and edgy audio to re-sample, cut up, re-process or just use “as is”!

In Detail expect to find 2.37Gb of Loops and one shot sounds including 76 Atmospheric Soundscapes, 84 Synth One Shots, 196 Processed Drum Loops, 10 Kicks, 10 Snares, 10 SFX and Percussion Sounds, 227 Rex2 Files and 162 Soft Sampler Patches for Kontakt, Halion, Exs24, Nnxt and SFZ files.

Why 24Bit 48 kHz? Dark Atmospherics is an ideal tool for sound designers and film score producers so Colin chose to create this pack in the native television and film format of 24 Bit/48kHz. Even if your work isn’t geared towards television and film, you can enjoy the higher quality format within your own projects, or simply choose to dither down to 44.1 kHz. Alternatively you can choose like many producers, to upgrade your productions to 48 kHz and be ready for the high quality demands of Hollywood’s music supervisors and production houses.

• 24Bit 48kHz
• 76 Atmospheric Soundscapes
• 196 Processed Drum Loops
• 10 Snares
• 227 Rex2 Files
• 84 Synth One Shots
• 10 Kicks
• 10 SFX and Percussion Sounds
• 162 Soft Sampler Patches



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