[Future RnB Trap 类型采样]Production Master Medicated WAV-DECiBEL

[Future RnB Trap 类型采样]Production Master Medicated WAV-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 17 Apr 2018 | 408.8MB

Get your dose of Future R&B and Trap with our brand new ‘Medicated’ pack! Inspired by the likes of Post Malone, Rae Sremmurd, Blackbear, 21 Savage, 6LACK, Cardi B, Lil Peep, The Weeknd, Fetty Wap, Kodak Black, Drake, Metro Boomin and Future – this pack will provide you with an ample collection of deep, sensual synths, delicate keys and intricate tones, silky percussive bells, stuttering hi-hats, soft, foley percussions and everything you need to captivate your listeners and take them on a euphoric, melodious journey.

Add a deep and blissful finish to your tunes with filtered synths and stabs or get creative with our bank of extremely versatile, hand-crafted FX. Add some creative percussion loops to your tunes or play around with the punchy, distorted 808 bass loops. Sprinkle some perforated stabs, vocal atmospheres, chilled out sounds on your beats or create your own beats using our re-sampled one-shot drums, designed to give your tracks a slightly harder and grittier edge.

There really are no limitations to the imagination when it comes to this pack; not only do the loops range from 96 to 136 BPM – they have been especially adapted to suit a multitude of electronic genres such as; Future R&B, Future Bass, Trap, Chill Trap, Hip-Hop, Trip-Hop, Neo Soul, Liquid DnB and anything which requires some soulful flavour.

All samples were developed and engineered using the highest quality hardware including an NI Machine to create those organic sounding drums and raw beat patterns, a Waldorf Blofeld for the lush soundscapes and copious amounts of FM synthesis for the warm pads. We even broke out our vintage gear and used a hard to come by Siel Cruise, a vintage analogue synth to create exquisite polyphonic and mono elements for just that right sexy feel.

We’ve put together a delightful library containing everything you need to ensure those small, yet so important details and textures don’t go amiss. Adding that essential warmth to your tracks has never been easier!

Get ‘Medicated’ Now!

Pack Content:
808 Bass Loops (14)
808 Bass One Shots (14)
Drum & Percussion Loops (108)
Drum & Percussion One Shots (79)
FX One Shots (14)
Melodic Loops (32)
Melodic One Shots (28)
Vocal Atmospheres (10)


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