Bunker 8 Digital Labs Fade To Black MULTiFORMAT-DECiBEL

Bunker 8 Digital Labs Fade To Black MULTiFORMAT-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 16 Apr 2018 | 2.65GB

‘Fade to Black’ is the library for those moments of eerie contemplation. In ‘Fade to Black’ you are living in the creeping, ambient, uncertain cover of night. Inspired by shows and cinema like Black Mirror, IT, Mr. Robot, Synth, Stranger Things, Sense 8, Anabelle, Mother, etc. comes ‘Fade to Black.’ This library is all about a character being alone in a world they simply do not accept or understand.

Bunker 8 has supplied the bed tracks to many television, soundtrack, cinema and gaming experiences. These grooves are filled with filtered percussive loops, long, twisted pads, throbbing ambient basses, soaring voices, murky keys and echo can noise loops.

• 224 Files
• 3.1 GB of Content
• 112 ACID/WAV Loops
• 112 Apple Loops
• 8 MIDI Construction Kit Files (representing all Kits)

All eight Construction Kits have been carefully edited and sample accurate sliced so that each loop is completely seamless and will perform flawlessly on any DAW/development you happen to choose.

Bunker 8 have been developing sample content for over 18 years, they have provided industry leading content to the best producers, soundtrack composers, video game audio specialists and composers in the industry.

Each Kit contains a full sample mix, plus all the elements separated and set out for you to mix and match to create your blackened concoction. The producers have gone that extra mile to provide sample arrangements for all the Kits themselves plus cleanly separated sample accurate and normalized content. Just drop these into your latest compositions and be careful to look over your shoulder when you do.


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