[编曲插件]SoundToys v5 效果器插件套装 Win

[编曲插件]SoundToys v5 效果器插件套装 Win

SoundToys v5.0.1.10839 | 79 MB
All 18 Soundtoys plug-ins. New Effect Rack, PrimalTap, and Little AlterBoy. No dongle required.

Soundtoys 5 brings together our entire range of audio effects into one powerful collection. Includes all 18 Soundtoys plug-ins.

Saturate, compress and distort with Decapitator, Radiator, and Devil-Loc. Get a virtual history of echo and delay hardware with EchoBoy and PrimalTap. Transform your vocals with Little AlterBoy. Recreate classic studio pitch, chorus and widening effects with Crystallizer and MicroShift. Take modulation to new levels with the beat-synced rhythmic effects of PanMan, Tremolator, FilterFreak, and PhaseMistress.

All of these individual elements are proven, powerful tools, trusted by professional mix engineers, musicians and sound designers everywhere. But combined in the new Soundtoys Effect Rack, they are indeed the ultimate effects collection.

The new Soundtoys Effect Rack is the centerpiece of Soundtoys 5. It turns a tried-and-true collection of powerful individual plug-ins into a virtually unlimited creative multi-effects system.

The Effect Rack makes it simple to build your own custom effect chains and define your signature sound. And when you’ve created the perfect combination of effects, the Rack’s global controls let you treat the whole rack as a single plug-in.

Lock rhythmic effects to a single tempo, or let them run free. Fine tune the input and output levels, and use the global mix control to blend your effect in with the dry signal. Then experiment with the powerful new global Recycle control. By mixing the output of the rack back into the input, you can build your own modulated reverbs, over-the-top delays and other unique ambience effects that would require complicated routing to accomplish in most DAWs.

Work Smarter

The Effect Rack integrates all of the individual Soundtoys effects into a single plug-in, which improves workflow by displaying an entire custom effect processing chain at once. You won’t need to juggle multiple plug-in windows to adjust parameters, add new effects, or change their routing. The Effect Rack keeps everything right at your fingertips.

Choose from our range of carefully-crafted presets to find the perfect jumping-off point. Or quickly design, save and recall combinations of your favorite Soundtoys effects—all in one self-contained plug-in.

Effects that move to your rhythm. With any shape you can imagine.

An LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) is at the heart of every modulation effect — it’s what gives tremolos, phasers, panners and sweeping filters their characteristic motion.

Our included library of LFO shapes goes far beyond standard modulation effects, giving you curves based on vintage modulation effects, amps and instruments as well as more abstract shapes. You can also draw and sculpt your own totally customized shapes using our Shape Editor. Use it to dream up new LFO shapes, from knife-edged waves to gently ebbing curves.

Our Rhythm Editor is like a rhythmic modulation sequencer. Choose a length (in bars) and the size of the steps you want to edit (sixteenth notes, eighth notes, quarter notes, etc), then start clicking to make a new pattern. You can turn individual steps on and off to create pauses or rests, and adjust the level and length of each step to humanize your pattern and give it some musical variation. You can even choose the number of beats per bar to create some funky syncopation or odd-time-signature grooves. Like our custom shapes, custom patterns are even swappable between plug-ins. And, of course, you can lock everything to the master tempo of the Soundtoys Effect Rack or your favorite DAW for solid, dead-simple synchronization.


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