Arthouse Acoustics Sacred Gold Vol.1 WAV-FANTASTiC

Arthouse Acoustics Sacred Gold Vol.1 WAV-FANTASTiC

Arthouse Acoustics presents Sacred Gold Vol. 1, a timeless sample collection dedicated to the tried and true vocal-driven sounds of golden-era soul.The team crafted authentic compositions reminiscent of the unmistakeable sounds of 60’s and 70’s soul, and worked with the gold standard of musicians to record perfectly stacked female vocals, duelling electric guitars, vintage electric basses, and a blend of vintage pianos, organs and keys.

The process was finely tuned at every step using a combination of vintage microphones, instruments and production techniques to truly capture the essence of the era.Included are stacked loops, as well as breakdowns, alternate takes, and the full array of stems straight from the desk to your DAW.As always, the team went one step further to include reworked and resampled loops, as well as a collection of downsampled loops created using a variety of samplers and techniques.The demo features drum sounds from other Arthouse Acoustics packs – also available on Splice.

Soul • 530 Samples


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