Ableton Live 10 Suite 10.1.35 MacOSX

Ableton Live 10 Suite 10.1.35 MacOSX

使用 Live 的新插件创建更大胆的声音。众多工作流程的改进让你在流程中游刃有余。使用 Push,可以在电脑之外完成更多工作。利用精心策划的资料库打造你的声音。并获得 Max for Live 无缝内置的无限潜能。

Wavetable、Echo、Drum Buss和Pedal:这些新插件意味着通过Live的乐器和效果器可以实现丰富多彩的新声音。


Echo 将经典的模拟和数字硬件延迟的声音融合在一个设备中–你的新选择。使用其模拟模式的滤波器来驱动和塑造声音,调高噪音和晃动以实现复古的不完美,或添加调制和混响来创造弥漫的声音环境,呼啸的反馈等。

Drum Buss
Drum Buss是一个一站式的鼓的工作站,能够添加微妙的性格或弯曲和打破鼓的意志。用驱动力和紧缩感来添加温暖和失真,用压缩和瞬态塑造来控制动态,用专用的低频部分来拨动和调整繁荣和控制低音衰减。

拥有独立的电路级型号的overdrive、distortion和fuzz吉他踏板,Pedal为Live带来了模拟stomp box的特性。这种效果从微妙到鲁莽,它擅长为人声和其他乐器预热,推动合成器的声音或完全粉碎鼓声。当然,它与吉他的搭配也非常出色。

OS X 10.11.6或更高版本(请参见这里的macOS Mojave兼容性说明)。
英特尔®酷睿™2双核处理器。建议使用Intel® Core™ i5或更快的处理器。


Create bolder sounds with Live’s new devices. Stay in the flow with a multitude of workflow improvements. Do even more away from the computer with Push. Build your sound with a curated library. And get the unlimited potential of Max for Live, seamlessly built in.

Create with new devices
Meet Wavetable, Echo, Drum Buss and Pedal: new devices that mean colorful new sounds are possible with Live’s instruments and effects.

Immediately playable, infinitely capable, Wavetable is a new synthesizer built by Ableton. Shape, stretch and morph sounds using wavetables derived from analog synths, and a range of other instruments and sounds. Start sculpting sounds right away—even without a deep knowledge of synthesis—or explore its rich palette and potential through an intuitive interface.

Echo brings together the sound of classic analog and digital hardware delays in a single device—your new go-to delay. Drive and shape sounds with its analog-modeled filters, turn up the noise and wobble for vintage imperfections, or add modulation and reverb to create diffuse soundscapes, wailing feedback and more.

Drum Buss
Drum Buss is a one-stop workstation for drums, capable of adding subtle character or bending and breaking drums to your will. Add warmth and distortion with drive and crunch, take control of dynamics with compression and transient shaping, dial in and tune boom and control bass decay with the dedicated low end section.

With separate circuit-level models of overdrive, distortion and fuzz guitar pedals, Pedal brings the character of analog stomp boxes to Live. The effect goes all the way from subtle to reckless—it excels at warming up vocals and other instruments, driving synth sounds or completely smashing drums. And of course, it sounds great with guitars.

OS X 10.11.6 or later (see compatibility notes on macOS Mojave here)
Intel® Core™2 Duo processor. Intel® Core™ i5 processor or faster recommended.
4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)



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