Image Sounds Saxophone 1 WAV

Image Sounds Saxophone 1 WAV

Smooth and powerful sounds dominate this impressive library ‘Saxophone 1’ Throughout the decades, the sexy tone of the saxophone has excited musicians and producers alike.

Besides playing a leading role in jazz and swing it has become a popular choice in modern hip hop and pop productions. Be it mellow background layers or sassy trills – with the extravagant sound of ‚Saxophone 1‘ at the tip of your fingers, it’s now your sugar to sprinkle on your mix. ‘Saxophone 1’ – another exciting release from the Image Sounds Artist Series focuses exclusively on the recording of live instruments and vocals, all recorded by professional musicians. Every recording is produced with highquality recording equipment to capture the natural sound of the instrument.

‘Saxophone 1’ is an extraordinary collection of saxophone loops for all your pop, funk, score chill out, lounge, hip hop, jazz or rock production needs. You’ll notice not only the textbook quality but also the variety and precision of the editing we are eager to produce.

The product is 260 MB in size all in all. The tempos range between 100 BPM – 125 BPM. The library contains 14 folders/kits and offers a total of 319 saxophone loops in many different musical styles.

With each saxophone folder/kit you will get a huge selection of different loops, all of which work well together or can be used individually. All loops of a folder/kit are based on the same harmony pattern and can easily be combined. Thus you can select saxophone loops for a complete song or just use a sample for your song – all within seconds. These loops are easy and intuitive to work with, enabling a fast workflow, which, of course, is essential in music production.

Each and every loop contains tempo and key information. They are pre-mixed and ready to use, with perfect EQ and light compression. They have been carefully and professionally recorded by proven experts, using top quality studio equipment, with sound optimized and recorded in 24 Bit and 44.1 KHz.

– 260MB
– 100-125 bpm
– 319 saxophone loops


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