Dropgun Samples Chill LoFi Hip Hop WAV-FLARE

Dropgun Samples Chill LoFi Hip Hop WAV-FLARE

Dropgun Samples presents a new sample pack in the style of oldschool hip-hop called “Chill LoFi Hip Hop”.

It is a pleasant atmosphere and beautiful melodies that evoke calm and relax. The pack contains a huge number of musical loops with a ready-made arrangement. This will allow speed up your creative process. Just take the finished loop as the basis of your track and develop the idea. Here you will find many chord loops with sounds of keyboard instruments, as well as melodies on electric guitar and saxophone. We have also prepared for you a lot of drum sounds in the form of ready-made loops as well as single beats. Using them you can successfully emphasize the rhythm of the composition, and to enhance the feeling of the groove, use organic percussion loops. And to give your compositions confidence, we have not forgotten about the bass. In the pack you will find bass loops and van shots with deep and bold sounding.

When creating this pack, we focused on global music trends, because our goal is to provide you with content that is relevant sound of the highest quality. This package will be a great addition to your sample collection. If you feel that you have run out of ideas for creativity, then our pack will help you. Just select the loop you like and start developing your own composition from it. Enjoy!


· 20 Drum Loops
· 13 Drum Fills
· 20 Hi Hat Loops
· 15 Bass Loops
· 68 Chord Loops
· 60 Melody Loops
· 60 Songstarters
· 14 Vocal Loops
· 25 Percussion Loops
· 20 Cymbal One Shots
· 20 Bass One Shots
· 20 Claps
· 20 Closed Hats
· 20 Open Hats
· 20 Kicks
· 20 Snares
· 20 Melodic One Shots
· 20 FX One Shots
· 20 Percussion One Shots


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