DAG Alliance Fire Strings KONTAKT

DAG Alliance Fire Strings KONTAKT

DAG Alliance Fire Strings KONTAKT | 4.2 Gb

Fire Strings will ignite your creativity with 6GB of custom recorded sounds inside an extremely powerful engine powered by Native instruments Kontakt sampler. Fire Strings is a hybrid, scoring and music production tool for cinematic composers and producers. The library consists of a highly curated collection of cinematic sounds created from recordings of electric violin and guitars recorded through high end analog signal paths (Neve, API, Universal Audio, Manley) and put through extensive sound design processes by a team of sound designers.

Over 140 sounds including sustains, textures and grooves are included. Each sequencer has advanced controls which allow you to change the speed, number of steps, direction, offset, fade-in, nudge and loop individually per sequencer. Each sequencer also has copy/paste functions, randomisation and built-in presets. Fire Strings is an incredibly advanced instrument for Kontakt. Combine two sound sources and rhythmically swap between each sound or create rich evolving soundscapes with gradual modulation. There are also presets per sequencer so you can quickly select pre-built tools to add rhythm and variation instantly.

The 11 effects per sound can be controlled randomly or in positive or negative directions at the press of a button. The amount of control here is unprecedented and opens up a vast world of sound design capabilities. An additional 8 global send and insert effects allow for even further sound manipulating possibilities. The library content is broken down into three main categories: Tonal – This section of the library contains electric violin sustains and textures both of a traditional and extended nature. We dug very deep to push well beyond common technique. Here you’ll find everything from standard sustains and tremolos to the extremely jarring spectral scrubs, harmonics, trills, wild microtonal bends and vibrato.


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