[抗击疫情,共闯难关]Producer Loops Cinematic Series Vol 6 Surgical Tension

[抗击疫情,共闯难关]Producer Loops Cinematic Series Vol 6 Surgical Tension

‘Cinematic Series Vol 6: Surgical Tension’ pays homage to the awe-inspiring soundtracks of medical cinema. This fine collection of six mini Construction Kits and Voiceovers is geared towards soundtrack composers and experimental producers alike.

As ever with the ‘Cinematic Series’, sound design is key. Many months of planning and studio time was dedicated to re-imagining the medical genre. This product is undoubtedly a tour de force from Producer Loops producer and ‘Cinematic Series’ pioneer, Lhasa Mencur.


The Producer:
Lhasa Mencur is a composer and sound designer for interactive/visual media, with a particular passion for games and virtual environments. Click here to listen to Lhasa’s music on Soundcloud.

The Creative Process (Lhasa Mencur):
“For this pack I wanted to capture the tension of medical cinema – where it’s so thick you can cut it with a knife (or scalpel), positioned in a tangible near future. I’ve drawn inspiration from greats such as “The Knick” which helped charter new aural territory for the genre, while still paying homage to some classic pastiches. Everything from the pulsing basses to analogue percussion was created with biological timings and textures at heart, to really evoke the visceral emotional states and stresses of both patients and practitioners throughout. For the VO in this pack I wanted to convey authenticity in tone but not get locked into medical accuracy of any given time period or practices so worked with actual medical professionals but remained largely fictional with the script likewise in a plausible near future.”

MIDI Files:
While every effort has been made to provide MIDI files for all Kits, please note that due to the analogue nature of this product, certain production elements do not have an accompanying MIDI file.

Licence Agreement:
All loops are royalty-free to those who have purchased the product. Commercial use of the five original compositions “exactly as they are in the demos” is forbidden, though. One has to make “new music” using our loops to act in accordance with our license agreement.

Product Details:
– Professional Voiceovers
– 14 MIDI Files
– ACIDised WAV
– Apple Loops
– Ableton Live Pack 8.1.3


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