Verve Soulful Trap & Lofi Beats WAV

Verve Soulful Trap & Lofi Beats WAV


Verve: Soulful Trap and Lo-Fi Beats is a powerful library, ideal for those who enjoy soulful, moving vibes. It covers 1.2+ GB of the finest elements, containing a wide variety of loops and samples, perfect for every fan of this chart-breaking genre. Fusing the best of smooth, peaceful melodies with groovy, percussive drums, this pack will make a great addition to your Trap & Hip-Hop collection!

Precisely processed 808s:

We ensured to bring you the most diverse selection of low kick sounds. Ranging from subtle, warm 808s to 808s with heavy bottom-frequencies, we really captured the whole spectrum of this important element. Let your studio shake!

Authentic drums and percussion

Verve was Created using both analog and digital drum machines and synthesizers, our drum & percussion folder sets a whole new standard. This exciting collection includes a variety of robust kicks, crisp claps, bright hi-hats, organic percussion, dusty shakers, shimmering crashes and beyond. Take your drums to enduring heights with this exceptional addition of electronic drum sounds and percussion.

Appealing melodies and synths

‘Verve: Soulful Trap and Lo-Fi Beats’ contains an enormous collection of various instruments and sounds. Discover the deep selection of distant pads and atmospheres, provoking arpeggios and plucks, emotional synths & many more. Explore the pure bliss that springs up from the combination of sensitive touch of vintage keys and mellow synths!

Emotional vocals and FX

Last but not least, we also included a wide section of captivating ethereal effects and atmospheric vocals. Set the mood of your track by adding some FX or vocal elements and take your song to new heights!

‘Verve: Soulful Trap and Lo-Fi Beats’ is the perfect addition to your arsenal. Grab it NOW!


808s (40)
Drums & Percussions (218)
FX (64)
Melody Loops (45)
Synth Loops (30)
Vocals (35)

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