Loopmasters Other Worlds MULTiFORMAT

Loopmasters Other Worlds MULTiFORMAT

Welcome to Other Worlds – Loopmasters’ latest outing onto beautiful and strange landscapes of distant galaxies. Fasten your seatbelt and wave goodbye to the creature comforts of Earth, as this 100% royalty free collection of atmospheres and sound beds has only one destination – hyperspace!

The ethos of this pool of sounds was to create a definitive collection of atmospheric sounds to allow producers to create a cinematic sense of space in their music, drawing heavily from Sci-Fi cinema and left-field ambient music. Unearthly texture samples, intricate arp loops, ambient synth one-shots, field recordings and much more await! Content is spread over a gargantuan 3.6 GB and is in a wide array of formats, not limited to Wav loops, one-shots, soft sampler patches and Midi files.

With loops undulating between 65-180bpm, Other Worlds is perfect for Ambient, Downtempo, Drum and Bass, Soundscapes and any genre that can benefit from rich atmospherics! You’ll also find the collection is primed for use in other media, such as film scores, post-production and more.

In detail, expect to find 3.6 GB of content, with all included Wav files recorded at 24Bit & 44.1KHZ. 78 Loops are broken down as 30 Arp Loops, 24 Rhythmic Textures & Atmos Loops, 17 Bass Loops and 7 Instrument Loops. 369 One-Shots and FX are broken down as 116 Atmospheres & Textures, 98 Fx, 55 Pads, 32 Synth Hits, 29 Instrument Hits & Phrases, 23 Field Recordings and 16 Drum & Perc Hits. Also included are 100 Rex2 Files, 123 Soft Sampler Patches (for NNXT, Halion, Kontakt, EXS24 and Sfz) and 7 Bonus Midi Files.

•3.6 GB
•24Bit 44.1KHZ
•30 Arp Loops
•24 Textures & Atmos Loops
•17 Bass Loops
•7 Instrument Loops
•116 Atmospheres & Textures
•98 Fx
•55 Pads
•32 Synth Hits
•29 Instrument Hits & Phrases
•23 Field Recordings
•16 Drum & Perc Hits
•100 Rex2 Files
•123 Soft Sampler Patches
•7 Bonus Midi Files


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