法吉奥里钢琴 Fazioli Concert Grand KONTAKT 音源

法吉奥里钢琴 Fazioli Concert Grand KONTAKT 音源

Aria Sounds宣布发布Silk,一个Fazioli的Native Instruments Kontakt音乐会三角钢琴库。 Aria Sounds很荣幸能够展示他们最新的采样乐器–Silk–一个音乐会盛大的Fazioli钢琴,在它的所有声音中都被捕获。
Fazioli是世界上最受追捧和着名的钢琴之一,拥有绝对独特的音色,以及最美丽的水晶般清晰的低音。 我们的目标是捕捉到这一点以及钢琴所能提供的其他惊人范围的声音,确保也记录下它的动态范围,从而使该乐器的动态层数达到76。 有两种可用的混音麦克风位置 – 关闭和舞台,以创建您想要的声音。

Imperfect Samples’ EBONY Concert Grand is the World’s Largest* sampled grand piano. Commanding a powerful and magnificent sound, the piano behind this sample library is an imposing hand-made FAZIOLI ten foot Grand Piano, created by the makers of world’s most expensive grand pianos, and is considered by many to be the Elite of all grands.

Finally, an epic grand piano has been imperfectly sampled with warmth, without sterility. Most grand piano libraries tend towards having a sterile sound. The Fazioli Concert Grand offers an imperfectly sampled epic sound, with a raw warm, and rich tone not heard in other commercial grand piano sample libraries. The sound of this piano is deep, full, and epic, with real performance elements that can’t be simulated using synthesis or modelling. The Fazioli Ebony Concert Grand is desirable for situations where you want the grand, expensive sound of a real grand piano.

With a choice of 5 microphone perspectives, up to a record-breaking 127 layers, true staccato, release samples, direct picked strings, perfect and imperfect instruments, piano effects, muted keys, unmuted keys, piano body wood knocks, lid sounds, and many more, the Fazioli Ebony Concert Grand contains over 70,000 samples.

Painstakingly recorded imperfectly, as with all Imperfect Samples’ libraries, the emphasis has been placed on achieving a hyper-real and convincing sampled instrument, with performance sounds. Classic “perfectly” sampled instruments have also been recorded, with all muted keys and perfect tuning.

In addition to the main instruments, unusual instruments are available, such as picked strings instruments with repeat samples, true staccato, and more.



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