F9 Audio F9 Trax Motion V1 Tech House [MULTiFORMAT]

F9 Audio F9 Trax Motion V1 Tech House [MULTiFORMAT]

Look deep inside 5 tech house productions.
We consider F9 TRAX to be the worlds most advanced, powerful and useful sample packs.
This is not just a collection of Loops and samples but a transfer of knowledge, technique and production Tools .
Ever wanted to look deep inside a professional Tech house production ? See how it’s all put together, mixed and automated ?
Now you can and from the comfort of your own DAW environment.
F9 TRAX Motion V1.0 :
5 Complete DAW projects built almost entirely with Midi and multi-sampled instruments
8 Additional Tech House Startup pages pre loaded with Instruments, Beats and Ideas.
Up to 127 Multi-sampled Synths, Sound and FX menus ( EXS + Channel strips for Logic , Live Racks for Ableton )
733 Drum Sounds
Hundreds of additional hi-end Loops


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