Equinox Sounds Synth and Dreamwave Vol 1 WAV MiDi

Equinox Sounds Synth and Dreamwave Vol 1 WAV MiDi

‘Synth & Dreamwave Vol 1’ from Equinox Sounds features five Construction Kits inspired by the 80s New Wave movement. The genre combines analogue synthesizer sounds, easy-listening tempos, and relatively simple progressive rhythmic structures and this is what you will find in this sample pack. Includes WAV and MIDI formats. All the sounds are 100% Royalty-Free.
About Synthwave & Dreamwave:
Dreamwave is a sub-genre of the Synthwave music. While both share the typical sounds of the 80s Synthpop music, the difference between them is that Synthwave is influenced by video game music and Italo Disco music, and Dreamwave uses outstanding atmospheres that reminds the ethereal sounds of the Dream Pop music, creating a feeling of euphoria but relaxing at the same time.

About the Construction Kits:

Each Kit is provided with the key and BPM information and presented with a full mix and its component parts. All produced in immaculate 24-Bit quality.

All the Kits include all the separate elements such as analogue synth leads, pads, pianos, guitars, basslines, FX, and more. The drum tracks are also supplied separately (kick, snare, hi-hat, percussion, etc.) for perfect drum loop mixing.

The collection also includes the MIDI files for the melodic parts of the Construction Kits.

Each of these Kits is given its own unique treatment, to create a pack which has all of the unmistakable hallmarks of the genre but with a sound all of its own.

Product Features:

• 5 Construction Kits
• MIDI files for the melodic parts included


• BPM Range: 82-128 BPM
• BPM & Key Information Provided
• 100% Royalty-Free


• WAV (24-Bit)


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