Scorp Beatz Heaven Sample Pack WAV MiDi

Scorp Beatz Heaven Sample Pack WAV MiDi

FANTASTiC | January 27 2018 | 623 MB

The ‘Heaven Sample Pack’ by best-selling producer Scorp Beatz comes with a total of 14 original compositions + stems for you to flip and get creative with.

Instant inspiration guaranteed if you want to make hits ranging from epic Hip Hop to Rap or Trap style sounds. This Sample Pack comes with High-Definition WAV samples and MIDI files. In total there are 117 WAV samples, all sets of melodies being fully BPM and Key labelled. All files come in 24-Bit Stereo formatting, royalty-free and compatible with every DAW and drum machine out there.

All Sounds were processed through HD digital equipment with high quality DA/AD converters in combination with analog preamps, compressors, equalizers, summing amplifiers and a digital effect systems in a professional studio. High performance is obtained by a warm, wide analog sound of the final audio products. You don’t have to do anything, just put these samples in your favorite DAW and you are ready to go!

You can’t find these sounds on any other kits out there! Everything is100% unheard and exclusive material as well as 100% royalty-free to use in your productions.

Product Includes:

•14 Original Compositions
•117 WAV Samples
•24-Bit WAV Format
•MIDI Files included
•Complete Track Separations
•BPM & Key Labelled
•839 MB of Content Unzipped
•100% Royalty-Free


畅销制作人Scorp Beatz制作的《天堂样品包》共有14首原创作品+花茎供你翻拍和创作。



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